Are you tired of staring at your lackluster lawn, wishing it could be as lush and green as a golf course fairway? Look no further! With over 15 years of experience in the Carmel area, Greenworks Lawn Care has mastered the art of growing vibrant, healthy grass on any lawn. Our comprehensive services are tailored […]
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Lawn Care Problems Commonly Found in Indiana
Across our great Nation, different states have different issues when it comes to lawn care. Things like temperature, precipitation, and soil quality vary greatly from state to state, so it makes sense that lawn care needs would also differ. In Indiana, our climate and soil are perfect for growing corn and soybeans, but maintaining a […]

3 Benefits of Lawn Fertilization
If you’re a new homeowner in Indiana, you might not yet be fully accustomed to caring for a lawn. You may think you can skip things like watering and fertilization, and just let nature do its thing. However, our team at Greenworks Lawn Care is here to tell you that, if you want a lawn […]
3 Lawn Care Tips this Fall
As seasons shift into fall, lawn care needs to change from growth to maintenance. Fall is the prime time to set the stage for a beautiful lawn next year. The lawn care experts at Greenworks Lawn Care are proud to set Carmel and surrounding Indy-area homeowners up for success. If you’re ready to retire the landscaping tools for […]
How to Prevent Weed Growth on Your Indianapolis Lawn
In the suburbs of Indiana, homeowners take pride in having an immaculate lawn. A freshly cut, green yard can make your house look nice on a summer day. However, weeds tend to ruin this perfect scene. Often appearing out of nowhere, weeds can spread their seeds all over your lawn, making it hard to eradicate […]