As fall comes to a close and winter weather starts to show its snowy face, the time to make a snow removal plan is here. Even though residents of Indianapolis deal with snow every year, somehow we are all guilty of waiting until we see those first few flakes before we dig out our snow […]
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3 Lawn Care Myths Debunked!
Achieving a lush, green lawn can sometimes feel like a full-time job. Between the mowing, weed eating, and fertilizing, you may feel like there is always work to be done. If you’re starting to feel overwhelmed with your lawn care, it can be tempting to try a few tricks that might make for quicker and […]

3 Benefits of Lawn Fertilization
If you’re a new homeowner in Indiana, you might not yet be fully accustomed to caring for a lawn. You may think you can skip things like watering and fertilization, and just let nature do its thing. However, our team at Greenworks Lawn Care is here to tell you that, if you want a lawn […]

Professional Snow Removal in Indianapolis
Though it’s been cold for months, winter in Indiana has really just begun and you might already be feeling the dread that comes with dealing with Indiana snow. Instead of breaking your back this winter and spending countless hours shoveling snow and messing around with ice salt, why not hire a professional snow removal service? […]

3 Tips to Prepare Your Lawn for Winter
Here in the Midwest, winter is upon us. Homeowners are putting their lawn care tools and mowers into storage for the winter and planning to ignore their lawns until next spring. However, while it’s true that your lawn needs less care in the winter, it would be a mistake not to take a few steps […]

Schedule a Lawn Renovation Before Winter
Winter is coming up soon! The snow, ice, and rain are more than enough to do a number on any lawn, especially here in the Indianapolis area. Fortunately, a proper lawn renovation can help not only repair your lawn from the wear and tear of the summer months, but also fortify it for winter, too. […]
3 Lawn Care Tips this Fall
As seasons shift into fall, lawn care needs to change from growth to maintenance. Fall is the prime time to set the stage for a beautiful lawn next year. The lawn care experts at Greenworks Lawn Care are proud to set Carmel and surrounding Indy-area homeowners up for success. If you’re ready to retire the landscaping tools for […]
Schedule Your Fall Lawn Aeration Today
Here we are in the middle of summer, and aerating your lawn is likely the last thing on your mind. You’re busy mowing that green grass, grilling out with neighbors, and enjoying those warm evening temperatures outdoors. However, at Greenworks Lawn Care, our fall aeration schedule can fill up fast, so now is the time […]
Schedule Your Spring Lawn Care
Temperatures are on the rise in Indiana, which means that it’s time to start thinking about your spring lawn care. At Greenworks Lawn Care of Carmel, IN, we recommend that in addition to cleaning up your lawn from the effects of winter that you consider some of the following services to keep your lawn happy, […]
What’s the Value of Professional Snow Removal?
At Greenworks Lawn Care, we often get questions like: “Why should I pay for snow removal services when I have a snow shovel and two hands?” We don’t blame you. Before paying for any service, you want to know its value. Well, let our pro team at Greenworks tell you what snow removal services can […]